MAAS Foundation

MAAS Foundation

The Mulatya Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in memory of the Late Dr. Jonah Mulatya Mwendwa, who passed on in September 2022, a dedicated Dentist who had a passion for serving his community and improving the lives of others. The foundation was established with the goal of carrying on Dr. Mulatya's legacy and making a positive impact in the world through a variety of programs and initiatives.

The vision of the Mulatya Foundation is to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential, regardless of their circumstances. We believe that by investing in education, health, and community development, we can help create a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

Our mission is to provide access to education, healthcare, and other essential services to underserved and disadvantaged communities, with a focus on improving the lives of those who are most in need. We are committed to working with our partners and stakeholders to identify and address the root causes of poverty and inequality, and to develop innovative and effective solutions that have a lasting impact.

Our goals include:

  • Providing education and training opportunities to young people, with a focus on supporting those who are most in need. The Anchor of this goal shall be the establishment of an annual Dentistry Scholarship, The Jonah Mulatya Dentistry Scholarship for Community Service to be awarded to promising students in the field of Dental Science.
  • Promoting dental health and oral hygiene through education and community outreach programs, as well as through the development of a centre for excellence in dentistry.
  • Providing support and assistance to people with disabilities, with a particular focus on those with hearing challenges as one of the challenges facing the construction industry due to noise pollution in our construction sites.
  • Providing clean drinking water to communities in need through the provision of solar-powered boreholes and financing for the boreholes and solar systems.

Our values include:

  • Collaboration: We believe that by working together with our partners and stakeholders, we can achieve greater impact and create more sustainable solutions.
  • Sustainability: We are committed to operating in a responsible and sustainable manner, and to protecting the environment for future generations.
  • Innovation: We believe in the power of creativity and innovation to drive progress and solve complex problems.
  • Empathy: We are committed to understanding and addressing the needs and concerns of the communities we serve, and to working with them to find solutions that work for everyone.

Our strategy for achieving our goals includes:

  • Partnering with other organizations and stakeholders to share resources and expertise, and to amplify our impact.
  • Investing in education, training, and capacity-building programs to empower young people and communities to build a better future.
  • Developing innovative and sustainable solutions to address pressing challenges in health, education, and community development.
  • Building relationships and trust with the communities we serve, and working with them to identify and address their needs and concerns.

Through the work of the Mulatya Foundation, we hope to honor the legacy of Dr. Jonah Mulatya Mwendwa and make a positive and lasting impact in the world. By investing in education, health, and community development, we believe that we can help create a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

Our Impact and Corporate Responsibility

At Mulatya Africa Advisory Services, we are committed to being a B Corp company by 2026. B Corps are for-profit companies that are certified by the non-profit B Lab to meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. Becoming a B Corp is a way for us to demonstrate our commitment to using business as a force for good and to make a positive impact on the world.

Our ambition as a B Corp company is to use our expertise and influence in the Built Environment sector to help create a more sustainable and inclusive world. We believe that by aligning our business with the values and principles of the B Corp movement, we can make a meaningful contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and help create a better future for all.

To achieve our ambition of becoming a B Corp company by 2026, we are committed to:

Continuously improving our social and environmental performance and reducing our negative impacts.
Being transparent and accountable about our actions and their impacts.
Engaging with our stakeholders and listening to their needs and concerns.
Using business as a force for good and working to create positive impacts on the world.
Collaborating with other B Corps and organizations that share our values and goals.